A Special Lunch for Teachers! 🍎📚

Posted by Ana Velez on

Here at newhomesinmacomb , we’ve always believed in giving back to the community that supports us. This year, during Teacher Appreciation Week, we decided to do something extra special for the amazing teachers at a local elementary school. These incredible educators inspire and shape our youth every day, and we wanted to show our gratitude!

Turning the Break Room into a Party Room 

We transformed the school's break room into a festive haven! Imagine walking into a room adorned with a stunning balloon arch in vibrant colors, banners that read  “We ❤ ️ Our Teachers!” and colorful streamers and fringe hanging from every corner. We even added fresh flowers to the tables. The atmosphere was buzzing with excitement and joy as the teachers walked in, greeted by a scene that celebrated their hard work and dedication.

Our team was thrilled to set up and decorate, pouring our hearts into every detail. We wanted the teachers to feel appreciated and to have a space where they could kick back, relax, and enjoy their lunch hour (or few minutes) in style. And from the smiles, laughter, and chatter that filled the room, we think we nailed it!

A Catered Feast Fit for Our Favorite Educators 

No celebration is complete without some delicious food, right? We had a local restaurant put together some delicious chicken sandwich box lunches with plenty of sauces to choose from. Plus, some freshly baked cookies that were the perfect sweet treat to finish off their meal. It was a hit! Teachers gathered around, sharing stories and enjoying their meal, and it was clear that this small break from their busy day meant the world to them.

 Raffle Fun with Fabulous Prizes 

To add to the excitement, we held a raffle with some fantastic prizes! We gave away 2 €100 gift cards for our women’s line and 2 €100 gift cards for our girls’ line. It was our way of saying an extra special thank you, giving the teachers a chance to treat themselves or their loved ones to something beautiful from our collections.

đź’– A Heartfelt Thank You to Our Teachers đź’–

While the food was delicious and the decorations were beautiful, the real joy came from seeing how much the teachers appreciated our efforts. Teachers do so much more than teach; they inspire, guide, and support our children through some of their most formative years. They work incredibly hard and truly deserve so much more than we could ever give. This lunch was just a small token of our appreciation, but we hope it conveyed a big message: we see you, we appreciate you, and we thank you.

As we wrapped up the event, leaving behind a break room a little brighter than before, we carried with us grateful smiles of the teachers and the joy of being able to help in any way. It was a reminder of the impact even a small gesture like a lunch can have and a confirmation of our commitment to supporting those who help shape our future.

Thank you, teachers, for all that you do. Here’s to many more celebrations in your honor!